If your pet has been booked in for a procedure or surgery, please follow the information below. This is to ensure that your pet can have the procedure conducted without delay on the day; and most importantly to ensure their safety whilst under sedation or general anaesthetic as required.
If you have any concerns or questions, please call the practice on 0121 733 1439
- Feed as normal until MIDNIGHT the night before surgery.
- NO breakfast or treats to be given the morning of the procedure – this is to reduce the risk of your pet being sick when we induce anaesthesia.
- Water can be left down as normal overnight.
- Give medication as normal unless advised otherwise by your vet.
- Encourage them to go to the toilet prior to attending the surgery, to help make their stay more comfortable.
- As much as possible, ensure your pet is clean and dry – this reduces the risk of infection and helps us maintain your pets temperature during surgery and recovery.
Please bring your cat in a SECURE CARRIER, or dog ON A LEAD and do not let out until in a secure consultation room.
- Feed your pet as normal – DO NOT STARVE THEM.
- Bring in as selection of your pets normal food and treats/favourite nibbles with you – this can help us get them eating after the procedure, aiding recovery.
- Give medication as normal unless advised otherwise by your vet.
Please bring your pet in a SECURE CARRIER and do not let out until in a secure consultation room.
- Keep your pet warm during transportation to the clinic.
- Feed your pet as normal – DO NOT STARVE THEM.
- Give medication as normal unless advised otherwise by your vet.
Please bring your pet in a SECURE CARRIER and do not let out until in a secure consultation room.
- Please transport your pet with minimal stress to the surgery. Keep noise and unnecessary movement to a minimum. You may find covering their cage with a blanket helpful.
- Keep your pet warm during transport to the surgery.
- Feed your pet as normal – DO NOT STARVE THEM.
- Give medication as normal unless advised otherwise by your vet.
- Please bring your pet in a SECURE CAGE and do not let out until in a secure consultation room.